Home Visitation Program
The services are provided to pregnant women and/or families with newborns up to age 5 in our Long Beach and Van Nuys area in both english and spanish.
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Healthy Families America (HFA) is a nationally recognized, evidence-based home visiting program model that works with expectant mothers through pregnancy, and up to 3-5 years after the baby’s birth. HFA is a strength based program, rooted in the belief that early nurturing relationships are the foundation for life-long healthy development. Through the HFA Program, Family Support Specialists provide one-on-one education and support.
HFA is funded by First 5 Los Angeles and the Department of Public Health.
Positive parenting skills focus on the parent-child interaction, promote school readiness, increase early learning, injury prevention, and family nutrition.
The Select Home Visitator Program began in 2014 in Long Beach and expanded to the Van Nuys site. The goals of these programs are to serve at-risk prenatal and postnatal families in developing a healthy parent-child relationship, promote maternal and child health and well-being, and strengthen family functioning.
To access the Home Visitation program
Mental Health Well-Being
Case Management
Child Developmental Screening
Please Click Here
Regular screening of mothers for depression, substance abuse, and family violence is conducted to provide early intervention and linkages to maintain healthy parent-child relationship.
Regular screening for developmental delays is conducted to provide linkage for early intervention for developmental disabilities and/or autism.
Services that assist the family to access needed medical, well-child visits or other community services that will support the family in preventing/reducing adverse childhood experiences.
or call: (310) 337-1550